Friday, September 2, 2016

JDeveloper: - Unable to Print all pages in IE11 , prints only first page instead the all pages.

We came across a use case where we had to print content in JSF page and in IE it was printing only first page but works as expected in FireFox.

Below work around had fixed our issue:

If possible, upgrade to the latest  version of ADF. For IE 9 support, use the latest version of 11.1.1.x or 11.1.2.x, as appropriate. For IE 10,11 support, an upgrade to 12.1.2 or later is required.

If this is not possible, a potential workaround is to add one pixel of vertical space to the top of the JSF/JSPX page containing the table. For example:
<af:document title="test.jspx" id="d1" inlineStyle="padding:1px 0px 0px 0px;">

In most cases this spacing is hardly visible, and it appears to solve the problem for IE versions up to and including 10&11

Alternatively Issue can be addressed by setting the following CSS selector

@agent ie and (version: 9.0) and (version: 10.0)and and (version: 11.0) {
  af|document:printable {
  padding-top: 1px;

@agent ie and (version: 9.0) and (version: 10.0) and (version: 11.0){
  af|document:maximized:printable {
  padding-top: 1px;

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